Sunday, September 11, 2011

Crafting for the "Face of Hope" Cancer charity!

My grandmother, whom we call "Meme " is a member of an organization that participates in quite a few charity events. I had the opportunity this time to help in one event called the "Face of hope". Basically it is where her organization members are given a plain mask to decorate and they auction off the finished masks to bidders to raise money for a Cancer charity. This was my first time making a mask and they are alot more work than I thought..Although it probably would have been easier if I weren't so anal!

                                                                         Original mask

                                                  The finished product: Inspiration- Butterfly Masquerade.
                                       I used 2 butterflies bought from Michaels, Pearl paint, tacky glue, sequins, glitter, (I forget what it's called but it's a mix between yarn and fake fur), black ribbon and purple beads

 Meme! She loved it! Ok so she's a complete sweetheart and probably would have still loved it even if  I used popsicle sticks and stickers..but I'm so glad she liked it! 

                           Next charity project: "Purse-suit of a cure"- You decorate a purse for a Cancer Charity! Can't wait!